Premature Ejaculation: Causes & Treatment

3 min readFeb 23, 2021


What is premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is a condition when a person ejaculates without control during or shortly before penetration during sexual intercourse. It occurs with minimal sexual stimulation and the person does not really desire ejaculation so quickly. This results in an unsatisfactory amount of happiness for both partners from the sexual act.

This gives the person pressure to perform and additional anxiety adds to the patient’s distress. It is the most common of the manifestations of sexual diseases in men. Almost all men succumb to the condition at one point in their sex lives.

What are the types of premature ejaculation/ejaculation? Types of Premature Ejaculation

Types of premature ejaculation

Lifetime: Lifelong premature ejaculation or primary early ejaculation occurs during the first sex.

Acquired: Secondary premature ejaculation may develop after-acquired premature

According to the study, the average time of erection (erection) of an average man is about 5.4 minutes but at times the erection can last for a few minutes or an hour. The final time of erection depends on four factors, including age, health, and sexual activity.

How long should a man live before ejaculation?

It varies from person to person but the last time of ejaculation of the man is about 4–11 minutes.

What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation? Premature Ejaculation Symptoms

The basic symptom of premature ejaculation after admission is the inability to ejaculate or delay ejaculation. The problem can also occur during sexual activity and masturbation.

What is the reason for premature ejaculation? Premature Ejaculation Causes
The exact cause of most of the cases is not yet known and there is a lack of clarity about it. With the passage of time, men learn to postpone their orgasm slightly. New sexual partners often trigger. Such a situation can arise from some sexual situations. Long periods of time between ejaculations may also be to blame.

Psychological problems are also very important in this form of sexual dysfunction. It can also result in guilt, anxiety, and depression. It can also be caused by natural therapies such as problems with hormones, injury, or as side effects of certain medications, etc. A large number of men think they are suffering from premature ejaculation, but there are no criteria for diagnosis.

See Also:- What is low libido? Causes of Low Libido and No Sex Drive in Men

Home and Ayurvedic treatment of premature ejaculation

  1. Take 5 grams ashwagandha powder and mix an equal quantity of sugar candy in it and take it in the morning with lukewarm milk. Taking it continuously for some time will benefit.

2. Taking 4–4 ​​grams of muesli powder with milk after eating in the morning and evening thickens the semen, which provides relief in premature ejaculation.

3. Jamun kernel powder is very beneficial in premature ejaculation by taking 3–3 grams of it continuously for a few days.

4. Shilajit is consumed mostly in winter. For this, as much as Shilajit dipped from the matchless side of the matchstick, mix it with milk in the morning and evening and consume it in small quantity in summer.

5. Many herbal medicines for erectile dysfunction of Ayurveda are used in premature ejaculation like Makardhwaja, Kamini Vibharana Ras, Ashwagandha Churna, Jati Phaladi Churna, Chandanadi Churna, Chandanasava. It should be taken under the supervision of all Ayurvedic experts.

For more information click here:- Ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction




Written by Googlehealth7


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